

Warping two images using the Homography matrix formed by matching the keypoints between those two images. This will be implemented on the following two images:

Methodology and Result

Extracting SIFT features and showing keypoints on both images:

Matching keypoints using k-nearest neighbour (k=2): For a keypoint in the left image, finding the best 2 matches in the right image. Further, filtering out good matches which satisfy m.distance < 0.75 n.distance, where m is the first match and n is the second match.

Computing Homography Matrix with RANSAC from the first image to the second image:

Homography Matrix:

                            1.54217838    -0.295999582    -379.485248
                            0.431696329    1.38882049     -180.928088
                            0.0015461028  -0.000106844316  1.00000000
Showing 10 random matches using only inliers:

Warping the first image to the second using Homography Matrix: