Hi! I am
Anunay Rao


I have worked on several projects in the field of Database Systems, Distributed Systems,Computer Vision and Image Processing, Machine Learning, and Data Intensive Computing during my course of study at University at Buffalo. Below is the list of all the projects that I have worked on so far.

Relational Query Engine

It is a simple SQL query evaluator with support for Insert, Delete, Select, Nested-Select, Project, Join, Bag Union, Limit, Aggregate functions (COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM), GROUP BY, GROUP BY Aggregates and ORDER BY clause on Big Data (TPCH). It also supports Indexing to some extent.
JAVA JSQLParser EvalLib

Text Processing using
Hadoop MapReduce

A Big Data pipeline to perform Data Cleaning and then word count and word co-occurrence algorithms on the text data collected from Twitter REST API, New York Times API, and Common Crawl Data on Sports and then performed visualization in Tableau.
Python Tableau MapReduce

Group Messenger

A group messaging android application with decentralized TOTAL and FIFO message ordering guarantees.
JAVA Android Socket Programming

Hough Transform

Implemented hough transform algorithm to detect lines, vertical and diagonal, and circles in the image.

Morphological Operators

Implemented morphological operations, Opening, Closing, Dilation and Erosion and then using them to remove noise from an image and extract boundaries.

Handwritten Digit Classification

Using Logistic regression, Neural Network, Random Forest and SVM on the MNIST and USPS Dataset. Further, implemented ensemble of these four classifiers using Majority Voting.
Python Keras

Handwriting Comparison

Implemented linear regression, logistic regression and Neural Network on Human Observed Features Dataset and GSC Features Dataset extracted from CEDAR Letter Dataset which consists the image snippets of the word “AND” to compare handwriting.


Warping two images using the Homography matrix computed with RANSAC.
Python OpenCV

Simple Messenger

Android application which enables two android devices to send messages to each other.
JAVA Android Socket Programming

Epipolar Geometry

To understand the concept of epipolar geometry which includes computing the Fundamental matrix with RANSAC, selecting inlier match pair and for each keypoint in the left image draw epilines on the right image and vice-versa and then computing disparity map of two images.
Python OpenCV